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Word Seed Ministries has focused Bible Studies that will assist you in reading and studying the Bible for yourself. In-person Bible studies are targeted for individual who prefer one-on-one teaching. All of the lessons below may be used for large and small Church or community groups, and  for those who truly desire to understand and study God’s Word on their own.


Information and Tools for Bible Study


Bible Study Lessons

Lesson 1. The Heart and the New Nature

Lesson 2. The Blessings

Lesson 3. The Whole Duty of Man

Lesson 4. Goodness  

Lesson 5. Mercy Lesson 5. Mercy 

Lesson 6. God's Grace

Lesson 7. God's Protective Love

Lesson 8: Overcoming the Flesh

Lesson 9: Worship in Spirit and Truth

Lesson 10: Steadfast and Immoveable